Full of Hope

 MFC full of Hope

 This year’s Mission Volunteer (MV) Retreat has left me full of hope. It was a timely
reminder that no matter what happened last year, or what didn’t happen, we are
presented with a new opportunity to do great things. We were reminded that our God
has plans for a future full of hope. During the retreat we were given many opportunities
to share our hopes for this year, as well as share in the successes and challenges of
the past year. We were able to look back and compare what we want for this year to
what we tangibly accomplished last year. The worships always give us a reason to
continue pushing forward and serving. I always look forward to this retreat every year
because of the camaraderie that we get to experience. Being together with my fellow
MVs is something that only happens once and it's always such a huge blessing. There
are so many great minds, and everyone always has great ideas for the coming year.
Once we all come together it is so apparent that the Holy Spirit is in the room. This
weekend has empowered me to go out and do more, be more, serve more. I’ve seen
how fired up my fellow MVs are, and it makes me want to do more than I ever have
before. God has placed an immense amount of hope within my heart, and this fills me
with so much excitement for what’s to come.
This year the retreat focused on the book of Romans, which talks mainly about how to
love your neighbor, and how to love like Jesus did. I’m taking that as my challenge for
the year. I’m going to push myself to find new ways to love in my service, especially
when I find it more challenging. The MV retreat is such a cornerstone of who we are as
missionaries. It allows us and reminds us to lean on one another to become empowered
to serve. God has blessed me with such an amazing team, and I will never take that for

Hope 2

Jeremy San Miguel - Mission Volunteer