PROJECT 153 ("Project One Hundred-Fifty-Three") - One Hundred Missions to Fifty States in Three Years.
NSG22 RESOLUTION 1: A resolution adopting ‘VADE AD AURUM: CLIII’ as MFC USA’s goal and call to mission for 2023-25.
We, participants to the MFC USA 2022 National Servants’ Gathering, do hereby resolve to adopt ‘VADE AD AURUM: CLIII’ as the official goal and call to mission of the Missionary Families of Christ, USA for the next three years – 2023 to 2025.
Furthermore, we commit: to make every member of MFC USA aware of this call to mission; to support all efforts in making this goal a reality; and to personally enlist for mission with my time, talents, and treasure.
So, help us God.
The entry point to MFC Youth is the Youth Camp. The Youth Camp is a three-day stay-in activity to officially bring your children into MFC Youth. The youth camp is open to all youth ages 12-17.
The Youth Camp must not be seen merely as a three-day experience where your children can have fun. We should realize that the Youth Camp is not an end in itself. It is not just for amusement that will give the Youth something to do during the summer or semester break, but rather it is the beginning of what will hopefully be a lifetime commitment to God for them.
The Youth Camp is a venue where your children can form lasting friendships with one another, as well as, share ideas and experience in a fun and wholesome environment, where Christian values are openly talked about and actively practiced.
In the Youth Camp, your children will hear about God’s great love proclaimed by other youth like them. They will be exposed to other youth who will serve them as speakers, sharers, facilitators, game coordinators, etc. Seeing other young people like themselves speaking of God’s great love, taking on leadership roles and serving others will eventually encourage them to do the same.
If you want to learn more about the MFC Youth Camp and other programs for the youth, we are ready to help. Please contact us.
Mary's Virtual Coffee Club is an online platform where women gather to be nourished, nurtured and blest by our Blessed Mother. Catholic Women on Mission Globally, as Mary's Daughters. (Affiliated with the Missionary Families of Christ-Handmaids USA and Live Christ Share Christ Western Hemisphere.)
Resource materials and other information are available at our MVCC website.
Mary's Circle is an online platform where young, single moms and women gather to be nourished, nurtured and blest by our Blessed Mother.
Resource materials and other information are available at our MVCC website.
The Servant Council of MFCUSA governs the life and work in the country, safeguards the vision and promotes the mission and ensures the well-being of the community, including its finances.
MFCUSA has divided the continental USA into regions or Zones to effectively provide pastoral support and governance to its members who are present in the 50 states.
MFC is a missionary community. Just like the Church of which we are a part, we exist for mission. This means we go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ. We do a worldwide work of evangelization, working for the salvation of souls and for spiritual transformation.
In MFC we do three types of missionary work.
1) On the simplest level, all members who actively serve in the day‐to‐day life of MFC are doing mission, simply because they contribute to the overall work of the missionary community.
2) On a higher level, mission is understood to be the actual going out into the world to actively carry on the work of MFC. This can be going for a few hours to another parish, or going for the weekend to another area (state, city, etc.), or going for a week or longer to other countries.
3) On the highest level, to be a missionary is to leave home and settle in another country or territorial area for an extended period of time, normally at least one year, in order to do our work.
The Christian life is intended to be a continuing process of spiritual growth. God’s call is to holiness and perfection. In MFC, we provide an environment where one can be fully supported in living out God’s call. As such, MFC provides continuing formation to members, including many teaching courses.
Following is the pattern of formation in MFC:
The first year program of formation in MFC consists of the following components:
1. Christian Life Seminar (CLS) 6 sessions 1 1/2 months
2. Covenant Recollection (CR) 8 talks (4 sessions) 4 months
3. Marriage Enrichment Retreat (MER) 7 talks 1 weekend
4. Evangelization Training (ET) 2 talks ½ day
The above is the first-year track. The members of a household formed after the CLS would normally remain together and go through this track.
After the first year, various other courses are offered, as follows:
1. Spiritual Gifts (SpG) 4 talks
2. Foundations for Christian Living (FCL) 12 talks
3. Christian Personal Relationships (CPR) 6 talks
4. Living as a People of God (LPG) 6 talks
5. The Christian and Emotions (CE) 6 talks
6. Fruit of the Holy Spirit (FHS) 6 talks
7. Marriage Enrichment Retreat II (MER 2) 6 talks
Leaders formation
All members who assume pastoral leadership (i.e., handle people in a household) are given corresponding training:
1. Household Leaders Training (HLT) 16 talks
2. Unit Leaders Training (HLT) 12 talks
3. Chapter Leaders Training (CLT) 9 talks